students in class watching a flame
children raising hands
children playing on a big football field

Admissions Overview

We appreciate that choosing the right school for your son or daughter is an important decision and we hope that our website has given you a flavour of Box Hill School. There is no substitute for a personal visit and we warmly welcome prospective parents and students to come and experience what we have to offer.

We have set out our Admissions Process for the UK and International students, however, should you wish to discuss any aspect of this, as part of your decision-making process, please contact us. Whatever the stage of your application, our admissions team are always happy to help and advise.


UK Enquiries

For UK enquiries (ie for students currently studying in the UK) please contact:

Claire Jordan T: 01372 384240
UK Registrar E: admissions@boxhillschool.com

Find out more about UK Admissions


Meet Keagan

Keagan joined us in Year 7 and is a Drama Scholar.

Watch Here


Overseas Enquiries

For overseas enquiries and agents’ enquiries (ie for students currently studying outside of the UK), please contact:

Kirstie Hammond T: +44 (0)1372 385002
Overseas Registrar E: registrar@boxhillschool.com

All overseas students will be interviewed in person or over Skype. All CAS / Visa applications will be handled by Holmes & Partners Ltd and initiated by our Registrar on receipt of the signed acceptance form and fees deposit.

Find out more about Overseas Admissions


Meet Victoria

A student from Germany who joined us in Sixth Form to study the IB programme.

Watch Here


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