Aerial view of the school and countryside that surrounds it
front view of a school

About us

Welcome to Box Hill School, where education extends beyond the curriculum. We foster a holistic and personalised learning experience, which deepens inclusivity and aspiration. Approximately two-thirds of our students are British, while the remaining third hail from international backgrounds, adding a global dimension to our vibrant community. 


Every student’s individuality is cherished. 

Hayley Robinson, Headmistress

As a proud founder member of Round Square, we embrace the educational philosophy of Kurt Hahn. Round Square’s pillars – Internationalism, Democracy, Environmental concern, Adventure, Leadership, and Service (IDEALS) – are central to our educational approach.

We provide a holistic education, helping students find identity, meaning, and purpose through connections to the community, the natural world, and humanitarian values. This is achieved through a wide range of activities, including sports, creative arts, service, outward bound pursuits, and democratic participation, alongside academic learning. We aim to be the first choice for those who understand that education is about growing the whole child.

Round Square

Round Square is a global association of schools preparing students for life beyond education, offering experiences that demand courage, generosity, imagination, principle, and resolution.

Opportunities with Round Square:

  • Service Projects: Our students have participated in service projects in South Africa, partnering with the Good Work Foundation.
  • Student Exchanges: We offer student exchanges within our international Round Square network, primarily for Year 10 and Year 12 students.


Our History

Established in 1959 by Roy McComish, Box Hill School has a rich history. As a founding member of Round Square, we have always provided a supportive yet challenging environment. Our main building, Dalewood House, designed by Victorian architect John Norton, is a masterpiece of architectural beauty with a storied past, including service during World War II.