front view of a school

Inspection Reports

ISI Inspection Update – May 2024

We were pleased to welcome ISI inspectors to School on 23rd May for a re-inspection visit. Please see the Progress Monitoring Inspection (PMI) Report below. The feedback is extremely positive.

ISI Report – November 2023

In November 2023, Box Hill School was visited by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) for a full inspection.

Please download the link below for the full Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report:

Highlights from the ISI Report

Leadership and Management, and Governance

“Leaders, governors and managers possess good skills and knowledge and use appropriate tools, such as self-evaluation, actively to promote pupil wellbeing.” 


“Leaders deliver a broad and balanced curriculum. As a result, pupils develop academic skills, knowledge and learning strategies, as well as self-confidence, individuality and cultural understanding.” 


“Under the direction of leaders, boarding, which plays a central role in the life of the school, is well managed and led by experienced, well-trained practitioners. As a result, pupils enjoy their boarding experience.” 

Quality of education, training, and recreation

“Pupils have a number of academic [pathways to choose from. Subject leaders implement the curriculum effectively and consequently pupils demonstrate critical thinking skills and develop discipline in their work.” 


“Teachers demonstrate good subject knowledge and effectively encourage pupils to become more independent in their learning.” 


“Many pupils display well-developed communication skills, and they are not afraid to take risks in their learning. Teachers evaluate work and give regular oral and written feedback, so pupils develop skills as reflective learners.”  


“Creative subjects like music, drama, art and fashion and textiles provide pupils with different platforms where they can express themselves and take their learning beyond the classroom. Opportunities to perform are extensive.” 


“There is an inclusive and adventurous co-curricular programme. Numerous trips are arranged to enrich pupils’ learning, including overseas excursions.” 

Pupils’ physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing

“Leaders and governors have developed strategies to support pupils’ mental and emotional wellbeing and there are processes in place to identify concerns. Pupils value the good relationships they have with staff, both academically and pastorally.” 


“The PSHE curriculum is relevant and adaptable, and staff are suitably trained in its delivery. The programme takes into account the age, cultural backgrounds and needs of all pupils, reflecting the aims of the school to promote global citizenship and mutual respect.” 


“Leaders are ambitious in developing the physical health of each pupil.” 


“Induction for boarders is comprehensive and contextualised for the pupil body in the school. Induction content includes consideration of cultural differences and British values. Leaders provide pupils, including boarders, with ways to raise concerns, including through an active student council.” 

Pupils’ social and economic education and contribution to society

“The curriculum promotes pupils’ social and economic understanding. Pupils contribute to society through charity work, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme and debating club, in which sustainability and long-term environmental issues are considered and then acted upon.” 


“Pupils are accepting of others around them and celebrate each other’s liberty, faiths and beliefs.” 


“The careers programme spans all age groups. Pupils find the careers advice they have received helpful.” 


“Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to engage with the world beyond school through service, and to develop their understanding of current issues.” 


“Leaders encourage pupils to form their own opinions and be respectful of others’ viewpoints. As a result, pupils communicate their thoughts with confidence and most show good social skills, expressing their views in an articulate way.” 


“Leaders contextualise the school’s safeguarding and associated policies and these reflect the most recent guidance. Staff are effectively trained in safeguarding at induction and in regular updates and understand the risks of extremism and radicalisation.” 


“Pupils learn how to stay safe online and suitable internet filtering and monitoring systems are in place to protect them. Pupils feel safe in school.” 

ISI Report – May 2019

Please download the link below for the full Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report: