pupils smiling

UK Admissions

At Box Hill School we appreciate the huge consideration that families give to their child’s education – please rest assured that our Admissions Team is here to help you journey through the 3 stages of our admissions process outlined below.

We offer three formal points of entry into Box Hill School – Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12 – please see our latest Admissions Process and Timescales here. We also welcome applications into other year groups where we have places available.

Please do read through our Digital Devices page as it contains important information about your child’s education. We’re confident that our digital strategy will bring many benefits and opportunities to our students. The device is compulsory for all students, except those in Sixth Form.

Please do contact our Admissions Team if you would like to discuss other options on admissions@boxhillschool.com or on 01372 384240.


Open Events

Students and their families are welcome to attend any of our open events. We offer a range of midweek, evening and weekend open events throughout the year where you can view the school, talk to our pupils, and meet our Head and Senior Team. Our Open Events are for any families interested in any year of entry, for the next academic year, and any calendar year beyond.

Private Visits

If you are unable to attend an open event, and you are interested in 2025 entry or earlier, you may wish to arrange a private visit to the school. In this case, you will enjoy a guided tour of the school and will meet one of our Senior Team. Further details can be found on our Private Visits page. Alternatively you can contact us via email or phone if you would like to speak to someone before visiting us on admissions@boxhillschool.com.

Rest assured, visitors will always receive a very warm welcome at Box Hill School!


Year 7 and Year 9 applications

Please register with us by:

  • Submitting our online registration form by our published deadline
  • Paying a non-refundable registration fee of £150
  • Supplying us with a photograph of the applicant
  • Providing us with a copy of the applicant’s full school report and any medical and/or Educational Psychologist reports where appropriate

Students who are registered with us by our timescales are guaranteed to be invited to the Year 7 and Year 9 Assessments. Invitations for our assessments will be sent out after the Autumn Term half term. For applications after our published deadline please contact us and we will provide advice as to how to proceed.

You may register your son or daughter at any time prior to the registration deadlines. No priority is given to early registrations and all students are considered on an equal basis at the point of assessment. After registration, we will, as standard, contact the applicant’s current school to request a school reference.

Please do read through our Digital Devices page as it contains important information about your child’s education.

Important: Please note that if applicants have any specific learning support requirements we ask that full information (eg formal Educational Psychologist reports, EHCPs, medical reports, etc) be provided as early on in the enquiry process as possible, and well in advance of our registration timescales. This is so that we can review all information supplied and confirm whether we can, with the student’s best interest in mind, meet their needs before the registration process. Registration forms for students with specific support requirements cannot therefore be formally accepted until we have reviewed all appropriate information and confirmed that we are able to provide the level of support required by the student. We are always happy to advise further on this, so please feel free to contact our Admissions department should you require any clarification. Whilst the school successfully supports children with specific learning differences, it does have a finite resource in each year group. Once this resource is exhausted we may offer places on a ‘Wait List’ should a place become available.

Year 12 applications

Please register with us by:

  • Submitting our online registration form by our published deadline
  • Paying a non-refundable registration fee of £150
  • Supplying us with a photograph of the applicant
  • Providing us with a copy of the applicant’s full school report and any medical and/or Educational Psychologist reports where appropriate
  • Providing us with the student’s predicted GCSE results

Students will be invited to attend the school for an interview at a mutually convenient time. After registration, we will, as standard, contact the applicant’s current school to request a school reference. Any offer will be based upon the applicant’s interview, recent school reports and GCSE predicted grades.


Important: Please note that if applicants have any specific learning support requirements we ask that full information (eg formal Educational Psychologist reports, EHCPs, medical reports, etc) be provided as early on in the enquiry process as possible, and well in advance of our registration timescales. This is so that we can review all information supplied and confirm whether we can, with the student’s best interest in mind, meet their needs before the registration process. Registration forms for students with specific support requirements cannot therefore be formally accepted until we have reviewed all appropriate information and confirmed that we are able to provide the level of support required by the student. We are always happy to advise further on this, so please feel free to contact our Admissions department should you require any clarification. Whilst the school successfully supports children with specific learning differences, it does have a finite resource in each year group. Once this resource is exhausted we may offer places on a ‘Wait List’ should a place become available.

Other applications

We also welcome applications into other year groups where we have places available, so please do contact our Admissions Team if you would like to discuss other options on admissions@boxhillschool.com or on 01372 3842240.


Year 7 applications

Our Year 7 Assessment Days take place in the November preceding Year 7 entry (i.e. while the student is in Year 6). Applicants will have a short interview with one of our Senior Team and will also be required to sit tests set in Maths and English.

For Year 7 September 2025 Application Timescales please click here

Year 9 applications

Students wishing to apply for Year 9 have two options;

  • They can either apply when they are in Year 6
    • Assessments take place in November whilst the student is in Year 6
    • Applicants will have a short interview with one of our Senior Team
    • Applicants will sit assessments in Maths (60 minutes) and English (45 minutes)
  • or they can apply when they are in Year 8
    • Assessments take place in November whilst the student is in Year 8
    • Applicants will have a short interview with one of our Senior Team
    • Applicants will sit assessments in Maths (45 minutes) and English (60 minutes)

Both assessments are written papers.
The Maths paper is a timed test (no calculator required) and is based on the school syllabus currently being studied.
The English paper comprises a reading comprehension task and a piece of creative writing.
Please note that Year 9 application decisions are not based on the applicant’s performance in Common Entrance examinations.

For Year 9 Application Timescales for either September 2025 or September 2027 please click here

For Year 9 Application Timescales for September 2025, please contact our Admissions Team who will be pleased to provide further information

Year 12 applications

We welcome applications into Year 12 onto either the A Level or the International Baccalaureate Programme. Registered applicants are invited to Box Hill School for an interview. Offers are based upon the applicant’s interview, recent school reports and GCSE predictions. Please contact us for further information regarding Year 12 applications:  admissions@boxhillschool.com

For Year 12 September 2025 Application Timescales please click here

Other applications

Applicants will be invited to Box Hill School to sit tests set by Box Hill School in Maths and English and will have a short interview with one of our Senior Team.

Please contact our Admissions Team who will be pleased to provide further information for entry into other Year Groups: admissions@boxhillschool.com

General information

During the assessment process, consideration is given to the applicant’s entrance test results, interview, recent school reports, academic progress at current school, grade predictions and other strengths – whether inside or outside school life. We pride ourselves on providing a rounded education which focuses on the ‘whole person’ and delivering first-class learning in a warm, supportive and holistic atmosphere.

If your child currently has access arrangements in place for their SATs and/or internal exams, we will accommodate them during Assessments Day(s).

Please note that we expect all students within Years 7 – 9 to study two Modern Foreign Languages. Additionally, we require all students, irrespective of age, to be fully independent learners within the classroom, to be meeting age-related expectations, to be fully engaged in attending school and to positively being part of our school community.

Digital Devices

At Box Hill School, we’re excited about how technology can enhance and support teaching and learning. Our digital strategy is all about integrating technology to create more engaging, efficient and effective educational experiences for our students. Please read more about our digital devices here as it may affect your child.