
Curriculum Overview

At Box Hill School, we treat every pupil as an individual, in every aspect of life. A combination of close attention, personalised learning, support, regular assessment and monitoring underpins the school’s academic tradition.

The academic curriculum at Box Hill School is carefully planned to ensure that a breadth and balance of subjects are studied throughout the lower and middle school. Courses are constructed to suit the aspirations, abilities and interests of all our students.

This focus on choice and flexibility is continued in our Sixth Form provision. The subject matter is appropriate for the ages and aptitudes of our students and allows for teaching differentiation to meet the needs of all students, including for those with specific learning difficulties and equally for those who are gifted and talented.

The curriculum is structured to allow all subjects a variety of learning slots dispersed across a two-week cycle. The school has an International Study Centre (ISC) which runs separate programmes of study for EAL students (English as an additional language), to deliver EAL and prepare students for transfer into mainstream programmes where appropriate.