Years 7 – 9 pupils are aged 11 – 14 years old (also known as Lower School). We have made this page so you have everything you need to communicate with prospective parents successfully.
DOWNLOAD HERE: Agent Resources
Please download our Agent Resources for Lower School, which includes the following:
- Prospectus
- Co-Curricular Activities
- Boarding Brochure
- Boarding Trips
- Registration Form (please send this with passport photo and school reports)
- Term Dates
- Fees 2024-25
More information and individual files can be found in the relevant headers below.
To register please go to the Admissions Process page.
If you have any questions please contact our International Registrar Kirstie Hammond.
T: +44 (0)1372 385002
In the Lower School, the focus is on delivering a broad and diverse curriculum, which is engaging and inspiring for all our students.
Subjects Taught | |
Art | Biology |
Chemistry | Physics |
Music | Computer Science |
Design Technology | Drama |
English | French |
Spanish | Geography |
History | Mathematics |
Physical Education (including Dance) and PSHE in class groups by subject specialists. |
Students are set by general ability for most subjects with further specific setting in English, Mathematics and Languages. Additionally, in Year 9 Science is also set according to ability and the disciplines are taught separately. To help with the learning of languages, additional literacy support is provided for small groups of students where a specific need has been identified through our Learning Support team.
Each year group is overseen by a Head of Year who is responsible for managing their academic progress and who is supported by a team of tutors. When it comes to making choices about GCSE subjects, we work closely with students and parents to provide comprehensive support and guidance.
Co-curricular Activities
These make up 6 hours a week. These change each academic year. You can download our Co-curricular Activities list here.
- Full Boarding from £43,053 including VAT (£35,877 excluding VAT) pa for Years 7-8
- Full Boarding from £50,367 including VAT (£41,973 excluding VAT) pa for Year 9
- Pre-Sixth Form 1 Year IGCSE Day from £34,152 including VAT (£28,461 excluding VAT) pa
- Please note that a full term’s notice is required in writing prior to withdrawing a pupil. A term’s fees in lieu will be charged if written notice is not received on or before the dates specified per term in the terms and conditions. Please see our Terms & Conditions (including refund policy) for further details.
How to Pay
Our fees can be paid via the following methods;
- Bank Transfer
- Billing Portal
- Cheque
- Debit/Credit Card