Students reading opposite each other
fire in a teacher's hands
students writing into their booklets



Registration & Deposits

Registration Fee (inc VAT)
Payable on registration and non-refundable
Registration Fee for Overseas Applicants (inc VAT)
Payable on registration and non-refundable
Acceptance Deposit
Payable on acceptance of a place
Acceptance Deposit for Overseas Applicants
Payable on acceptance of a place
£4,000 for EEA, £5,000 for non-EEA

Years 7 & 8

Autumn Term 2024 Spring and Summer Term 2025
Base Fee (exc 20% VAT) Total Fee (inc 20% VAT)
Day Student £7,498 £7,186 £8,623
Flexi Boarding (2 nights) £9,245 £8,860 £10,632
Flexi Boarding (3 nights) £10,035 £9,617 £11,540
Weekly Boarding £10,990 £10,532 £12,639
Full Boarding £12,479 £11,959 £14,351


Years 9, 10 & 11

Autumn Term 2024 Spring and Summer Term 2025
Base Fee (exc 20% VAT) Total Fee (inc 20% VAT)
Day Student £8,078 £7,741 £9,290
Flexi Boarding (2 nights) £9,959 £9,544 £11,453
Flexi Boarding (3 nights) £10,815 £10,364 £12,437
Weekly Boarding £11,839 £11,346 £13,615
Full Boarding £14,599 £13,991 £16,789


Sixth Form (Years 12 & 13)

Fees are inclusive of all educational trips and visits, but excluding specialist field trips.

Autumn Term 2024 Spring and Summer Term 2025
Base Fee (exc 20% VAT) Total Fee (inc 20% VAT)
Day Student £8,429 £8,078 £9,693
Flexi Boarding (2 nights) £10,309 £9,879 £11,855
Flexi Boarding (3 nights) £11,179 £10,713 £12,856
Weekly Boarding £12,355 £11,840 £14,208
Full Boarding £15,219 £14,585 £17,502

Pre-Sixth Form 1 Year IGCSE

Fees are inclusive of ESL charges and UK outings.

Autumn Term 2024 Spring and Summer Term 2025
Base Fee (exc 20% VAT) Total Fee (inc 20% VAT)
Day Student £9,899 £9,487 £11,384
Weekly Boarding £12,885 £12,348 £14,818
Full Boarding £15,846 £15,186 £18,223

Additional Costs

  • The School operates a standardised digital device scheme for pupils. The laptops can be purchased outright or rented on a 36 month agreement with our chosen supplier Easy4U. Please learn more here.
  • Extra Weekend Boarding and Occasional Boarding: £150 per night (inc VAT)
  • Coaching for specific learning support (if required): £67 per hour session (inc VAT)
  • Speech and language support (if required): £67 per hour session (inc VAT)
  • Extra-curricular and self-taught language tuition: by arrangement
  • Some activities where tuition fees apply incur charges such as Golf, Mountain Biking, Horse Riding, STEM Go-Karting
  • Minibus (if required)



Please note that a full term’s notice is required in writing prior to withdrawing a pupil. A term’s fees in lieu of notice will be due if written notice is not received on or before the dates specified per term in the terms and conditions.

Please see our Terms & Conditions for further details.

How to Pay

The annual school fees are divided over the 3 terms of the school year with each term’s fees payable before the first day of each term.

Our fees can be paid via the following methods;

  • Bank Transfer
  • Debit or Credit Card
  • Fees in Advance Scheme

The objective of the Fees in Advance Scheme is to provide a method where the cost of independent education can be reduced by making an advanced lump sum payment. The payer can be the parents or guardian of the child or anyone else who wishes to make a single sum advance payment to help with the cost of educating the pupil.

The Scheme operates under current VAT rules. 


Please refer to your Parent Portal account for payment details or contact the bursary on fees@boxhillschool.com or 01372 385003 for further information.

For parents based in the United Kingdom who wish to spread the cost of paying fees using monthly direct debit, School Fee Plan are able to assist.


Box Hill School is an appointed representative of Premium Credit Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 702718). “School Fee Plan” is a trading style of Premium Credit Limited.


How to Pay

The annual school fees are divided over the 3 terms of the school year with each term’s fees payable before the first day of each term.

Our fees can be paid via the following methods;

  • Bank Transfer
  • Debit or Credit Card
  • Fees in Advance Scheme

The objective of the Fees in Advance Scheme is to provide a method where the cost of independent education can be reduced by making an advanced lump sum payment. The payer can be the parents or guardian of the child or anyone else who wishes to make a single sum advance payment to help with the cost of educating the pupil.

The Scheme operates under current VAT rules. Any fees paid from 29th July 2024 pertaining to the term starting in January 2025 onwards will be subject to VAT.


Please refer to your Parent Portal account for payment details or contact the bursary on fees@boxhillschool.com or 01372 385003 for further information.

For parents based in the United Kingdom who wish to spread the cost of paying fees using monthly direct debit, School Fee Plan are able to assist.


Box Hill School is an appointed representative of Premium Credit Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 702718). “School Fee Plan” is a trading style of Premium Credit Limited.