woodwork class

Scholarships & Bursaries

At Box Hill School, we offer a limited number of scholarships each year in the following categories: Academic, Music, Art, Drama and Sport. Scholarships are available for students entering Years 7, 9, and 12 (Sixth Form) and cover up to 10% of annual school fees.

Scholarships are awarded based on a candidate’s achievements in their chosen area, alongside successful completion of entrance exams and an interview with senior staff and the relevant department head.

Our scholars are role models within the school, actively participating in school life and representing the school at various events.


Scholarship Applications for 2026 Entry

Please feel free to contact us at admissions@boxhillschool.com should you wish to discuss any aspect of our Scholarship Application process.

Deadlines for 2026 Applications: Friday 10th October 2025

Scholarship Assessment Days for 2025 Applications: November 2025 – TBA

Scholarship Application Forms


We offer means-tested bursarial assistance to give all students the opportunity of a Box Hill School education depending on the financial, compassionate or other pertinent circumstances of applicants. Bursaries may be made available to parents/guardians of children entering the school in Year 7, 9 and 12. Please see the following for further information:

Please email your completed bursary application form to Mr Stuart Ansell on: coo@boxhillschool.com.