girls in the class
students in the classroom

Digital Literacy

Welcome to Our Digital Learning Strategy!

At Box Hill School, we’re excited about how technology can enhance and support teaching and learning. Our digital strategy is all about integrating technology to create more engaging, efficient and effective educational experiences for our students. After thorough research, we’ve partnered with Easy4U to help us bring this initiative to life.

Ensuring a safe online environment is a top priority for us. Our management systems will give parents peace of mind, knowing that our students are learning in a secure and protected space. This strategy isn’t just about hardware; it’s about continually advancing our teaching methods to prepare our students for the future.


Why Does Technology Matter?

Digital Strategy Graphic

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, technology is crucial.

It creates dynamic, interactive learning experiences that can boost student engagement, motivation and achievement.

Research shows that students in technology-rich environments collaborate more and are more engaged than their peers in traditional settings.

Digital tools also help students stay organised, access resources easily and develop essential skills like digital literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving.

students artwork


What device has been chosen and why?

We selected the Dell Latitude 5340 2-in-1 for its performance and versatility. This device comes with a digital pen and protective cover, functioning as both a laptop and tablet. It’s perfect for our curriculum and helps students get comfortable with Microsoft Office 365, which is crucial for their future. We selected Easy4U based on their reputation and understanding of the education sector. The competitive quotes and comprehensive service agreement they offered ensure we provide the best value and reliable support for our parents and students.

How will the devices be used in lessons?

Devices will be used for various activities, including recordings, peer collaboration, and personalised learning. Digital inking will aid in annotating resources and drawing diagrams. Materials will be accessible via Microsoft Teams.

Teachers will integrate technology as appropriate, maintaining a balance with traditional methods. A blended approach will be used, balancing online and paper-based activities according to the needs of each subject. Marking will include traditional, digital inking, typed feedback and audio/video notes.

Digital resources offer flexibility and accessibility, reducing environmental impact. Work and resources will be synced and backed up to the cloud.

Handwriting remains important and digital inking will support this skill. The use of digital resources will enhance flexibility and accessibility, reducing environmental impact.

How will this prepare students for their future?

Digital literacy is crucial for many job roles and higher education institutions. Technology supports creativity, self-directed learning, collaboration and hybrid working, equipping students with essential skills for their future.

How will you ensure internet safety and monitor usage?

Our devices come with robust security, monitoring, and filtering systems, both in and out of school. Alerts for inappropriate content will be managed according to our E-Safety Policy. Social media sites are blocked and application installations are controlled by the school.

How will you know it is my child's work and not AI?

Teachers are familiar with students’ work and can identify copied or AI-generated content. Many AI tools are blocked in school due to age restrictions.

Who pays for the device?

Log-in details for the Easy4U web portal will be sent when you register with us. You will be able to choose between the rental scheme or full payment. The package, including all necessary equipment, IT support, damage and theft protection and pre-installed software. The Easy4U package offers significant savings compared to purchasing directly from Dell, including support and protection plans.

student writing

We’re confident that our digital strategy will bring many benefits and opportunities to our students.

If you have any questions, if you are a prospective family, please do chat to our Admissions Team for further information.

For existing families, please reach out to our IT department.